1 初始化远程数据库
npx wrangler d1 execute cfviews_db --remote --file=./schema.sql
cfviews on main [✘!] via v20.12.2 took 15s
❯ npx wrangler d1 execute cfviews_db --remote --file=./schema.sql
⛅️ wrangler 3.86.1 (update available 3.90.0)
√ ⚠️ This process may take some time, during which your D1 database will be unavailable to serve queries.
Ok to proceed? ... yes
🌀 Executing on remote database cfviews_db (bef5ccbc-5985-4eb6-8fa9-885f7d74b177):
🌀 To execute on your local development database, remove the --remote flag from your wrangler command.
Note: if the execution fails to complete, your DB will return to its original state and you can safely retry.
├ 🌀 Uploading bef5ccbc-5985-4eb6-8fa9-885f7d74b177.c263018675e99df5.sql
│ 🌀 Uploading complete.
🌀 Starting import...
🌀 Processed 1 queries.
🚣 Executed 1 queries in 0.00 seconds (1 rows read, 3 rows written)
Database is currently at bookmark 00000003-00000005-00004e54-12824d4ae3a8377626107f7f1d320578.
│ Total queries executed │ Rows read │ Rows written │ Database size (MB) │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 3 │ 0.02 │
2 部署到远程
cfviews on main [✘!] via v20.12.2
❯ npm run deploy
> deploy
> wrangler deploy --minify src/index.ts
⛅️ wrangler 3.86.1 (update available 3.90.0)
Total Upload: 22.75 KiB / gzip: 9.00 KiB
Your worker has access to the following bindings:
- KV Namespaces:
- KV: 3243086648f045868df62bf34066fab6
- D1 Databases:
- DB: cfviews_db (bef5ccbc-5985-4eb6-8fa9-885f7d74b177)
- Vars:
- DOMAIN: "https://damaoz.site"
Uploaded cfviews (2.44 sec)
Deployed cfviews triggers (4.05 sec)
Current Version ID: 348a32b4-4e78-48f6-a67f-cb13580ee054